February 2020

South African mines could generate their own electricity before the end of 2020

Several South African mines have plans to roll out their own power generation capacity over the next few years. A presentation by the Minerals Council at this year’s Mining Indaba showed that at least seven mining companies are either busy developing or considering potential projects. The total electricity that could be generated by these projects

South African mines could generate their own electricity before the end of 2020 Read More »

OTN Systems Fibre-Optic Communication Networks for Mines

OTN Systems designs, develops and markets dedicated fibre-optic communication networks for open cast and underground mines worldwide. The Open Transport Network (OTN) is based on the latest fibre-optic technology and offers you the most reliable, open and easy-to-use system available on the market. To find out more about this article please visit:   https://www.mining-technology.com/contractors/communications/otn-fibre-optic/ Resources:   https://www.mining-technology.com/

OTN Systems Fibre-Optic Communication Networks for Mines Read More »

A New Twist on Light to Boost Secure Quantum Fibre Optic Links

A team of South African and Chinese scientists have figure out how to harness multiple quantum patterns of twisted light (from a laser) so that it can be sent across a conventional single mode fibre optic cable (these can usually only support one pattern), which wouldn’t ordinarily be possible without a custom made fibre. To

A New Twist on Light to Boost Secure Quantum Fibre Optic Links Read More »