November 2019

How the road network determines traffic capacity

ETH researchers have shown that we can use the structure of urban road networks to predict their traffic capacity. This information enables urban and transportation planners to quantify how changes will influence traffic volumes. People who commute by car will have an idea of what “traffic capacity” means, drawn from their own experience: as a

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A fast and precise look into fiber-reinforced composites

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have improved a method for small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to such an extent that it can now be used in the development or quality control of novel fiber-reinforced composites. This means that in the future, such materials can be investigated not only with X-rays from especially powerful

A fast and precise look into fiber-reinforced composites Read More »

How fibre can make your business’ cloud migration less of a headache

South African businesses from enterprise to SMEs are beginning to see the benefits of cloud solutions. This is thanks – in part – to the influx of globally recognised cloud service providers such as Azure landing in South Africa. This local accessibility removes much of the regulatory hassle and high costs associated with cloud migration. There

How fibre can make your business’ cloud migration less of a headache Read More »